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SSI2USB Adapter DB15 (VA01)

10010186- SSI2USB Adapter DB15 (VA01)

POSITAL Accessories 10010186- SSI2USB Adapter DB15 (VA01), Includes: SSI2USB Box & USB Adapter Cable Available 0
This is an exiting product! It will be discontinued soon.
General Data
IntroAdapter box that can be used to capture or read SSI data and display it on a PC using a Graphical User Interface via a USB port
NotesIncludes: SSI2USB Box & USB Adapter Cable
Config Functionality- Connects to sensors with SSI interface
- Alternatively SPI master device via TTL level
- Three independent tri-state push-pull outputs
- Compact and robust aluminium housing
- Built in gray code to binary code conversion

All dimension in [inch] mm. This drawing and the information contained is for general presentation purposes only. Please refer to the "Download" section for detailed technical drawings.

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